In Me They See

Memories Stored in Strands of Hair

On August 5, 2021, I shaved my head.

It was something I contemplated for months during the pandemic. During this time I thought about how femininity shaped who I was and society’s view of being a woman or feminine. I contemplated how a tomboy switched to being a girly girl right before middle school, knowing it would make her more likable to boys and accepted by society.

Done in a spot locals call the Rhode Island Desert, I wanted to feel connected to the earth. This landscape holds childhood memories, longing, and love. It is a magical space. A desert in the middle of Rhode Island. The wind grazed my scalp, leaving behind a tingling sensation from the warm summer breeze. I was surrounded by memories stored in strands of hair. I let them mix in with the sand. I felt euphoric.


Con La Primavera